Life is hard. Life is good. Show your love. Be yourself. Practice-self care.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Inupiaq people believe in core values that include love of family, children and elders. We value humor and respect and politeness. Hard work and humility play key roles too. 

Humility can mean a number of things. It means not boasting about one's talents and abilities; it means being patient and striving to have a kind heart. It means being a hard worker and striving to do well in all you do. I see these qualities in many of our elders and we as younger generations would do well to learn from them. They are wise and experienced and appreciate the things that we take for granted. 

I have been working in housekeeping for three years now. I clean patient rooms and critical areas, take out the trash, scrub toilets and clean bodily fluid spills, among other things. I like my job and I've learned a lot from interacting with patients, medical staff and members of my community. In my experience, it has been more than just a housekeeping job.

Some people have asked me questions like, "It's good you have a job but housekeeping?" Or they may ask "Joanne, what are you doing in housekeeping? You can find a different job." I think by different they mean better. Yes, okay, but you don't know why I chose to work here and maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge. Maybe I'm not utilizing my background like you think I should but I have goals and I'm doing what I can to achieve those goals. Elitist attitudes in my opinion and I think that people could approach it differently.

One thing I've noticed is that many individuals my age and younger are too prideful to work in jobs like housekeeping. Perhaps they think it's beneath them to clean up after other people or they don't like to scrub toilets. Maybe they don't want a job that requires some physical effort or they want to do do other things...whatever the reason. There are valid reasons and there are some prideful reasons. It's the attitude that bothers me, that feeling that they are too good for it. They will wait for a "better" job and in the meantime, won't work at all. Or, they don't like the job and won't apply themselves or make the effort to do a good job.

I've gotten to talk with a lot of my elders and they have a different attitude. They are thankful that I have a steady job and that I have the opportunity to work. They are thankful that I have been here as long as I have been and they know that it can be hard work. They appreciate what we do and they tell us. Many of our elders worked in housekeeping and food service for many years, some as long as 20+ years. They took pride in their work and worked hard and showed up for work as scheduled. 

I try to keep this in mind when I do my job. It takes effort at times but it's a work in progress. 

My peers would do well to keep these in mind as well. Work hard, have a positive attitude and appreciate the fact that you are able to work. Take pride in your work, whatever job you may have. If you don't want to stay in a position forever, fine, work towards making things happen. Use these opportunities to develop and polish your skills and talents. 

And most of all, have a piece of humble pie. 

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